Google Review Giveaway? What!

Bee's Knees Print Studio is a small business. Like, super small. So when you leave us a review, it's a huge boost to us, and makes us feel like we're really killin’ it! We want to spread that love around a little bit, so we decided we're going to do a giveaway that helps support cool local businesses like us.

Here's how it works.

All you need to do is hop on Google and review one of your favorite local businesses. Give them five stars, and write something nice. Grab a screenshot of your review and post it with @beeskneesprints tagged, or send it directly to us, and in two weeks we'll pick a random business and print them 12 shirts totally for free!
You can enter as many people as you like, so now's your chance to get caught up on reviewing cool folks in your community.

We figure this is a cool way to get some positive feedback out there, and set someone up with a little pile of cool custom shirts that they can give to their buds.

We’ll get it started!


Alinea Strategies

Alinea has helped Bee’s Knees a ton and we’re stoked to be working with them, here’s our review!


Silicate And Silver

Shannon’s an awesome jeweler and made me a super cool keychain! Check out her work!


Keepsake Tattoo

Liz is a super good friend of Bee’s Knees, and has tattooed me a whole lot by now, check out their stuff!

It’s that easy! Say something nice about a small business anywhere you like in the US and we’ll add them to the list of entries for the giveaway.

Entries can be submitted by sending a screenshot to one of the following places:

The final date for entry is February 15th, 2021. Once all entries have been collected, they’ll be numbered in the order they were received and a random number generator will be used to choose the winner. When a winner is selected, we’ll reach out to them for their artwork and shirt details, print their stuff, and ship or deliver it free of charge!

That’s it! Now’s your chance to tell everyone all about your favorite small businesses and give them a chance to win some cool, handmade, completely free stuff. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!